A year in numbers for the Marine Society:

- 38,000 Seafarers’ have access to Marine Society Libraries

- 155 libraries supplied to vessels

- 18,460 books distributed

- 4000 books sold through the bookshop

- 3,168 seafarer qualifications learners accessed digital maths and English via Learn@Sea

- £2m grants for 3,168 seafarer qualifications

- 10,300 information, advice and guidance queries were handled.

- £2.1m worth of scholarships awarded

- 32 of our slater scholars passed their oral exams and received their certificate of competency

- 177 exams were sat, onsite at London HQ and at sea and naval bases

A year in numbers for the Marine Society:

A year in numbers for the Marine Society:

- 38,000 Seafarers’ have access to Marine Society Libraries

- 155 libraries supplied to vessels

- 18,460 books distributed

- 4000 books sold through the bookshop

- 3,168 seafarer qualifications learners accessed digital maths and English via Learn@Sea

- £2m grants for 3,168 seafarer qualifications

- 10,300 information, advice and guidance queries were handled.

- £2.1m worth of scholarships awarded

- 32 of our slater scholars passed their oral exams and received their certificate of competency

- 177 exams were sat, onsite at London HQ and at sea and naval bases