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Royal Navy Open Day

Royal Navy Open Day

On Wednesday 13th March, Carla Rockson and Joan Pickering were invited to attend an Royal Navy Open Day at HMS Collingwood. This event was organised by the Learning and Development Hub Team to promote learning and development opportunities to serving personnel. Our GCSEs and A Level offer is promoted well by the Education Officers, who are impressed by the quality of our academic and pastoral support, that it is heavily subsidised and our excellent exam results.



Marine Society is delighted to report 100% pass rate for IGCSE Winter exams taken in January 2019. Learners who are studying IGCSEs have the option to take exams in the winter or summer series, depending on when they have completed their studies and are ready to take their exams. Each year a small number of learners opt to take their exams in the January series. Results were published in March and we are pleased to report that all our learners passed is subjects covering English, Maths and Physics.

Marine Society offers a wide range of GCSE and A-Level courses to seafarers at affordable prices, and in a flexible format. Learners receive support from tutors and are able to take their exams on board ships or at Royal Navy and Royal Marines establishments.

Happy Birthday to Marine Society and Sea Cadets

Happy Birthday to Marine Society and Sea Cadets

It’s hard to believe, but the Marine Society has been helping seafarers to realise their full potential for 262 years.

Although much has changed over the years, Marine Society has always had the education and wellbeing of seafarers at its heart.

You can read more about the Marine Society’s history and the valuable work we do today in our special birthday blog post.

Meanwhile, Sea Cadets is celebrating 162 years of empowering young people to be the best versions of themselves through a mixture of adventure, learning and friendship.

To coincide with the occasion, we are launching our ‘draw your own future’ campaign, which aims to promote the role Sea Cadets can have in preparing young people for life, helping them to succeed in whatever future they envisage for themselves.

Find out more about our 'Draw Your Own Future' campaign here.

Crew Connect

Crew Connect

Nick Chubb and Caroline Buckland of Marine Society attended Crew Connect Summit, that took place in Manila, Philippines. The Crew Connect Summit is the global conference for all aspects of crew management such as training and welfare. The Marine Society were there to promote Marine Society's Learn@Sea programme, the book and crew library services and to join the debate about the future of crew management.

Sessions included discussions on controversial topics such as introduction of autonomous ships and digital technologies, through to training initiatives such as ‘coming ashore’, the transition of seafarers into shore-based careers - a campaign the Marine Society have supported in the UK.

Marine Society work to spread awareness

Marine Society work to spread awareness

Rachel Gurnett, Seafarer Education & Data Co-ordinator, and Nick Chubb, Business Developer attended the RN NETS (Naval Education and Training Service) CPD event to provide an update on the provision, as part of the Marine Society’s continuing relationship with Royal Naval staff to NETSO’s (Officers).

The Marine Society continues to offer tutor-supported distance learning courses for Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Fleet Auxiliary Personnel at a discounted rate and thanks to a their partnership with Greenwich Hospital, also offering spouses of Royal Naval personnel a 50% discount on courses.

The event took the form of an open discussion between Marine Society and the NETS team, presenting the latest on the course provision and in education generally, such as the move to linear qualifications. Practical ideas were raised on ways to continue developing the relationship with advisers and provide the best support for learners throughout their studies. This includes Marine Society advisers providing more regular updates about services and courses, and NETSO’s and RN Education Centres being more aware of the types of support available to potential and current learners. Both teams seek to continue working together and build professional relationships in order to provide the best educational opportunities that meet serving personnel’s needs, targets and academic goals.

With the recent Good grading from Ofsted, Marine Society are now focused on increasing the number of learners who can benefit from the provision.

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